Matthew Mombourquette

Software Developer, BSc Computer Science

Skills: Java, Javacsript, C++, HTML, CSS, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, SQL, AWS

My Projects


Hopsy: Full-Stack Craft Brewery Review Site
  • Engineered RESTful API back-end using Node.js and Express.js
  • Built responsive front-end using Bootstrap and JavaScript to ensure mobile compatibility
  • Implemented Login/Register functionality using Passport for data security
  • Integrated MongoDB using Mongoose with custom written hooks to enforce data relations and security
  • Deployed to remote AWS EC2 instance linked to a remote MongoDB Atlas using Nginx server as a reverse proxy
Technologies Used: Javascript, Bootstrap, Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose, MongoDB Atlas, AWS
Financial Services Dashboard App
  • Developed as part of a team of five within Software Architecture course given requirements that the system implements Service-Oriented-Architecture and is hosted in the cloud
  • Designed and developed Java desktop application implementing Service-Oriented-Architecture using Model-View-Controller and Publish-Subscribe patterns to ensure system was highly modifiable
  • Implemented multi-threaded services running independently on Linux AWS EC2 Instances to maximize numbersof possible concurrent users
Technologies Used: Java, Maven, AWS
Mock Store/Vending Machine Application
  • This project was done for my Object Oriented Design course as part of a team of 5. The one project requirement was that our system must run in a Raspberry Pi Linux Environment.
  • In our system we have implemented Registration and Login using Bcrypt hashing algorithm, Admin authorization, inventory management, shopping carts and checkout and simple intuitive text-interfaces.
Technologies Used: C++
Trivia Game
  • Created for my girlfriend and I to practice trivia together
  • Aggregated data from a local PostgreSQL database and OpenTriviaDB API into questions that are pulled by aJava desktop application
  • Automated a randomization event to alternate answer order for multiple choice questions and added scoretracking functionality with persistency across sessions to allow for leaderboards
Technologies Used: Java, Maven, PostgreSQL